Started the new job in the same old Evil Corporation last Monday. Still getting settled into the new office and routine.
Like the pay, the work and Triumphant Capitalism. Dislike this new tax bracket where I pay ALL of the federal debt MYSELF. Want the parking space by the door and my own secretary. Need the Corporate Financial Wieners and the 3 Budgeteers to ease up outta my face.
Will be regularly posting again very soon.
The federal deficit thanks you.
(and congrats on the new job!)
:) Terri
What a cute pic; is this your cat?
Thanks for the kind comment on my blog, by the way.
Well, what do you think? Of course I'm laughing. Poor kitty. Surface is way too hard. He/she needs a soft, cozy blankie. What? No, I'm not joking. (But that is one funny photo.)
Hummmmm. Promotion. The American dream. Hope it works out for you honey! Meanwhile, stop by and say happy birthday to Kylie because as you know, life goes on and the world doesn't stop for your damn whinning. Oh, and you missed making something for Cielo's Dessert Carnival too. Her post is up, go look and drool. Jeeeeeeeze. (Good Lord! Did I just say "whinning?" That's too funny. You better be laughing.)
Have missed you. Glad you're back. We'll talk soon.
That was me. I posted twice. Who knows why.
Ah...been there, done that. It bleeds you.
Well, moving up a tax bracket can actually be kinda scary, but still, congratulations on your promotion Mister!
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