Thursday, July 10, 2008

B is for Born ... in the Age of Huggies

Dante said there is a special place reserved in hell for those who do nothing in a time of moral crisis. I think he would add a category if he had been born in the "Age of Huggies" ...

What kind of person throws out loaded baby diapers from their car windows and leaves them where they land? Does this happen in other states, or (as I fear) is this small southern state the only place on God's green Earth with such unnatural and despicable ... deposits?


Eva said...

Ugh, don't even get me started! I hated walking my dog Penny in San Francisco's Mission District when I lived there. She would sniff out ALL the discarded poopy diapers on the sidewalk. Nasty. Also, the occasional bag of discarded sausages. WTF???

Mrs4444 said...

I've seen it here in Wisconsin, too. Is that kinda like letting your dog poop on someone's lawn and leaving it there?

Katney said...

As a National Park Volunteer, I had to tiptoe across the meadow the other day (Everyone stay on the trail please!" to collect a diaper and dispose of it. Fortunately it was not "dirty" dirty, as we had forgotten to pick up gloves and a litter bag bvefore heading out on our hike.

Lavinia said...

I am speechless. Unfortunately, I cannot say I am shocked. Someone else (can't recall who) blogged about finding a dirty diaper in a parking lot a while ago....I think its very rude, nasty, inconsiderate, despicable, environmentally atrocious, etc etc etc. The worst part is knowing that those babies are going to be raised by barbarians like'll be no wonder how they turn out....

Suzanne said...

When ever I say to Rob, "Honey, I want to live in a place where there are no idiots," he replies "Honey, idiots are everywhere."