Tuesday, September 02, 2008

X is for X Marks The Scot

While searching for something clever to write this "X", I managed to hit a few wrong keys with the tip of my cast. Google decided I was going to get lucky and BAM! I found X Marks the Scot.

An interesting version of the Scottish national flag, don't ya think? at any rate, they say that ...

XMarkstheScot.com is an international community of kilt wearers and those who encourage the wearing of kilts. We are the largest and most active kilt community on the Internet. Kilts are a man's garment and it is our goal to promote the wearing of the kilt in more than just the "Highland Games" situation. It is not a forum for men looking to wear womens clothing nor is it a forum for other types of men's un-bifurbricated garments. If you want to know more about kilts then come check it out!

So, I borrowed my buddy Walt's biggest kilt. Yes, he's thin as a rail, and I have a taco stand on speed dial. Get over it! No, I don't know about this kilt thing anymore, Terri. I thought it would be kinda like wearing gym shorts with a bloody big hole over the wigglies. I was wrong. It was worse. It was damned disturbing. There's parts feeling breeze that weren't meant for it. Sorry, pictures will NEVER be available.


kylie said...

your post on wishes is beautiful. all of it.
you in a kilt? less beautiful, maybe

bless you

Me said...


Nice post...You in a kilt?? Must be a great sight... ;)

Smiles :)

Lavinia said...

Ha ha ha ha.......chuckling over this....

I think a man in a kilt is a mighty fine sight. Makes me think of the misty moors, the glassy lochs, and a Laird astride his steed whose mighty thundering hooves....oh boy I'm getting carried away here!

TerriRainer said...

Oh. My. God! You in a kilt...I would do...uh, well, let's just say that I would really like to see that!
I might even show up for a class if you wore one to it...EVERY WEEK!

Sunshine said...

It's ok to air things out every once in a while!

love your sunshine...

zirelda said...

Dang, I'm hungry for tacos now...

No pictures? I love the sight of a man in a kilt. Especially if he has bagpipes.

Eva said...

Hilarious. I think you made the right decision to keep the photos from public sight. I think if I had that sort of man business swinging around I too would prefer to confine it somehow.

Only two more letters to go, Skeeter!

Suzanne said...

Down on the ground pickin' weeds just to look up a kilt. WOW! NICE!!!