There are not supposed to be rules with this, no guarantees or strings attached. Just wish, and it might come true. Give, and you might receive.
1. I wish I could meet in person the writer of every blog I read.
2. I wish that everyone believed in "peace now!" and really would "make love not war".
3. I wish that today was the day that Isaiah 2:4 came true.
4. I wish that everyone everywhere recognized the fundamental worth and dignity of every human being. If not that, then maybe everyone would recognize the simple truth that it costs less to feed, clothe and educate a person than it does to hunt them down in the desolate mountains of Asia and kill them.
5. I wish that we never again had to choose the lesser of two evils at the ballot box ... even if it meant granting us a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" option.
6. I wish that the same insurance and leave benefits granted to the President of a Corporation could be apportioned on a per hour worked basis to every single employee in the company. That way everyone who worked would have at least a portion of a retirement to build upon. Even part-time employees could have a shot at good health insurance. And working mothers could have the prospect of earning regular vacation and sick leave days so they wouldn't risk their less than 40 hours/week jobs because a child gets sick at school.
7. I wish that our education system did a better job of teaching and preparing young people. I wish that it didn't cost so much to go to the University or trade school or even community college.
8. I wish that more was done to protect our environment and the creatures that share it with us.
9. I wish that it wasn't considered quaint or worse to believe in God, Life, or the promises made in each of the first ten amendments to the Constitution. I also wish that the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness included the right to live with, love and even marry whoever you damned well pleased. I detest the elitism, arrogance and class warfare politics of the Left as much as I do the Right's condescension, holier than thou bigotry, and refusal to recognize that the working class needs protection from the excesses that are inherent in the capitalist system. Speaking against one and not the other has no value, nor truth ... two sad characteristics shared by most of the talk format programming on AM radio.
10. Even with ten wishes, it's not enough. There is one love I wish for above all else, and this last, private wish is for Her.
She is beautiful from the inside out. She is clever, changeable, curious and quick. She has a magnetic energy and passion that runs so deep that it intimidates other people. She has an inner strength that nothing or no one can compete with. The power of a volcano is inside her body, and she has spent a lifetime perfecting the self control that chooses when to allow it to explode. Her heart beats with a zest for life, and there is my greatest treasure.