Saturday, August 23, 2008

T is for Thanks

Today, Zirelda and Harshita gave me something special. Thank you both for this beautiful award.

This one came with some strings ... and the rules are :

1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you’ve nominated.

So, my seven nominees are:

1. Although I don't think she goes much for awards, I want to give the first one to Maria. Her blog is always well written and remarkable. Best wishes for health and family dear. Our favorite college football teams meet on Nov 1st. It will be something to see.

2. I choose Eva because her blog is just plain fun to read. She's my favorite accountant and faux exotic dancer. Drop by and say "Hi!" to her and her sidekick, Boog.

3. a good one from Australia, Kookaburra. I think he and Mrs. Kookaburra are still celebrating a birthday.

4. Robyn who has just been out on a very interesting trip.

5. The only woman I would wear a kilt for, Terri. I really like the way she talks about her, um, bossoms. Two bonus points awarded dear.

6. Kylie from Australia. She keeps up many blogs with different themes. Check 'em out when you get a chance.

7. One of the best jumping little juke joints on the net, the Wild Onion Cafe. Many Happy returns everyone!

Thanks for keeping such great blogs everyone!


Suzanne said...

You rock! You know I suck at gettin' stuff up, so I'm going to leave it to Cece. CECE!!! HONEY!!! Yes, that's how I get her attention. Love you darling and thank you. We appreciate this.

Maria said...

And may the best team win....

Um..that would be the Cornhuskers, dear blogger pal...:)

Seriously, thanks for the kudos and right back at ya...

kylie said...

hi skeeter,
what a surprise to see my name in your award list!
i laughed at my "many different blogs", i pretend to contribute to you know i have only ever posted once at the wild onion? and i never even posted at all for suzannes birthday, which makes me look like i dont care but i do, i was just busy.

if you told us what happened to your hand i missed it. is it a good story?
i hope it heals well, you dont need a pesky thing like that for too long.
all the best

zirelda said...

You deserve it Skeeter. I really enjoy your blog.

Happy Day!

Eva said...

What a well deserved award for a well-deserving blogger! I love your blog too. Thank you so much for sending the award my way - I am honored to be on your list. :)

Me said...

The pleasure is all mine, Skeeter...

You are really worthy of many more awards... :) I simply love ur blog!

Take Care.

TerriRainer said...

You would wear a kilt for me???? That's better than ANY award!

The "girls" and I thank you!

:) Terri

Mrs4444 said...

These sound worth a look! Congrats on your award! :)

Kookaburra said...

G'day Skeeter,

Congrats on a well deserved award.

Your blog is really interesting and I enjoy reading it and finding out what you have been up to. Thanks for posting a picture of your motorbike.

Also thanks for my award. I am pleased as Punch to receive it :)

Unknown said...

Can I just say 'aaaahhhh' thanks Skeeter for being a darling and bestowing an award on me! I just love ya!

Well, come by and check out my last post for the mystery trip! A bit late but better late than never I say! LOL!
Many hugs!

Kookaburra said...

G'day Skeeter,

I hope that your broken hand is healing well.
No bike riding for awhile i guess.


Lavinia said...

Congratulations on your charming award. Well done!