Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Little Green Roach Coach

Have you ever eaten something from a Roach Coach? You know, those little food trucks that drive around and clandestinely cater where ever large numbers of people gather.

Some say that these modern equivalents of the old West’s Chuckwagon have the best, most tastiest food known to man. Critics of the "mobile dining experience" say that many roach coaches are "legally challenged" and point to problems like:
  • Operating without a valid permit

  • No handwashing available

  • Inadequate hot holding facilities

  • Inadequate cold holding facilities

  • Foods from unapproved source

  • Unapproved vehicle

  • Failure to pay sales taxes

But that misses the best part of the roach coach - the people who drive them. A few weeks ago this little one broke down on the road and had to be towed off for repairs. Its back now and better than ever. Little Green Roach Coach is a converted golf cart with a rompin' stompin' 25 mph top end. It's good to see old Wanda ...
  • bouncing it over every bump in the road

  • playing that thumpity thump thump music

  • while eating with one hand

  • holding a cell phone in the other

  • and steering with her knees.

I love working for the Evil Corporation. Every day is a holiday and every paycheck's a fortune.

Do you think I should give up being cynical for Lent this year ... again?


Megan said...

Wanda sounds like my kind of gal.

Amber Star said...

You gave up being cynical for Lent before? Thanks for stopping by today. It has been a long while since I've seen my roses, too, but hope spring eternal.

In Texas we have taco vendors who have the most delicious food. I try not to look too closely, and have never gotten sick from eating there. I can't say the same for vacationing in Mexico, though.

Brandy Wilcoxen said...

No, don't do that.